The Prodigy®/CME Machine-Controller with pre-installed User Defined Profile Mode (UDPM) is a newly released motion control board that provides high-performance control of DC Brush, Brushless DC, and step motors. Ideal for high precision, high speed positioning motion control, these devices are ideally suited for applications in life sciences, laboratory equipment, semiconductor equipment, mobile robotics, and general automation. This product feature details the key features, applications, and configurations of this powerful ready-to-use motion control board.
In mobile and portable applications battery operation drives the need for efficiency and the need for less weight since a heavier mechanism requires more energy to move. This deep dive, which is part of our Common Motion Control Problems and How to Solve Them series, presents problems that occur in mobile robotics and portable motion applications. It will show you how to lower the heat, weight, and power consumption of your mobile motion controls and will discuss advances in the motors themselves.
In July of 2020 PMD received ISO 13485:2016 certification for all its facilities, both US-based and international. With this certification PMD demonstrates its ongoing commitment to deliver the very highest quality motion control products to its life science and medical device equipment customers.
More and more motion control systems are dedicated to the precise movement of liquids. While pumps and compressors have been around for a long time, two applications have become powerful drivers of this technology – laboratory automation and patient fluid processing. Pumping liquid in accurate measure is at the core of these systems and in Part II of this series we look at optimizing the motion control of the mechanical elements used in this equipment to receive, process, and analyze liquids.
Advanced Motion Control of Servo and Step Motors Hosted by Machine Design. Presented by Prabh Gowrisankaran, VP of Engineering & Strategy at PMD, and Ty Safreno, CEO and CTO at Trust Automation, Inc.
Precision Fluid Handling, Part I: It's All In The Pump Pumps that move liquid precisely are at the heart of a broad array of patient treatment devices and laboratory automation. This paper will outline what type of fluid pumps will work best in your application, and what type of motion control techniques will give you the fluid pumping accuracy that you need.
Motor Control ICs that Integrate Outer Loop and Velocity Loop Functions Read more about Juno Motion Control ICs that integrate a high-speed outer loop control function with a velocity control function for 3-phase Brushless DC and DC Brush motors. These small ICs are ideal for controlling pressure, temperature, magnetic bearings, chemical reaction rate, and more.
Step Motor Noise and How to Fix It
Step motors have a well-known liability which is that they are noisy and tend to vibrate when moving. This deep dive provides control techniques that you can use to dramatically reduce, and in some cases eliminate, step motor noise & vibration problems.
PMD Customers Respond to Covid-19 Crisis
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has put many of the products built by PMD's customers on the front line of the response. See what solutions our customers are building to identify, treat, and prevent this deadly virus.