The C-Motion Magellan Programming Reference supports the Magellan Family of ICs from PMD, including
the MC58000 Series (DC Brush, Brushless DC, and step motor) and the MC55000 Series (step motor). In addition,
Magellan processors are used in a number of card and module-level products including ION Digital Drives, Prodigy
motion control cards, and Prodigy/CME Machine Controller cards.
C-Motion is a “C” source code library that contains all the code required for communicating with the Magellan Motion
Control IC. C-Motion includes the following features:
- Axis virtualization
- The ability to communicate to multiple Magellan Motion Control ICs
- Can be easily linked to any “C/C++” application
C-Motion callable functions are broken into two groups, those callable functions that encapsulate motion control IC
specific commands, and those callable functions that encapsulate product-specific capabilities.
Magellans are complete IC-based motion processors, providing trajectory generation and related motion control
functions. Depending on the type of motor to be controlled, they provide servo loop closure, on-board commutation
for brushless motors, and high-speed pulse and direction outputs. When the MC58113 is used, when used in ION
Digital Drives, or when used with Atlas Digital amplifiers, they also provide current control, short circuit protection,
and many other amplifier-related functions. Together, these products provide a software-compatible family of dedicated
motion control ICs that can handle a large variety of motion control applications.
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