Velocity and Torque Motion Control ICs

Juno Velocity and Torque Control IC Family

The Juno® Family of ICs provide advanced velocity and torque control for Brushless DC, DC Brush, and step motors, as well as electromechanical actuators. Available as a single, one-axis IC, Juno ICs provide full four-quadrant motion control, direct quadrature encoder input, profile generation, field-oriented control (FOC), and much more. Juno ICs are ideal for use in a wide variety of medical, scientific, industrial, and robotic applications.

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The Juno Family of ICs provide advanced velocity and torque control for Brushless DC, DC Brush, and step motors. They are the industry’s first family of compact ICs with full four quadrant motion control, direct input quadrature encoder, profile generation, and advanced current control. Juno ICs are targeted for medical, scientific, industrial, and robotic applications that need to minimize motor noise, vibration and power consumption. Juno ICs are easy to deploy with embedded motion commands, on-board intelligence, and direct analog and digital amplifier signal interfacing.

Easy Integration

Juno ICs interface to external bridge-type switching amplifiers and utilize Performance Motion Device’s proprietary current and switch-signal technology for ultra smooth operation. Depending on the type of motor controlled, Juno ICs support commutation, microstep generation, pulse and direction input, internal profile generation, and much more.

Integrated Safety Features

Juno ICs are equipped with advanced amplifier management features such as overcurrent, over/undervoltage, and overtemperature sense. A special outer control loop allows a wide range of motor-related control applications, including pressure, flow rate and temperature control.

Meet the Family

Velocity Control ICs: Sophisticated velocity and torque control of 3-phase DC Brush and Brushless DC motors.

Torque Control ICs: Ultra precise torque control for 3-phase Brushless DC and DC Brush motors and actuators with direct analog or SPI command input.

Stepper Motor Control ICs: State of the art step motor control with pulse and direction or SPI command input.

Juno Connection Diagram



  • Controls 3-phase DC Brush, Brushless DC, or step motors
  • High performance digital current loop
  • Velocity loop with encoder or tachometer feedback
  • Ultra precise actuator control
  • Internal profile generator
  • Sinusoidal or 6-step commutation
  • Field oriented control
  • Hall sensor inputs
  • PWM output with shoot-through protection
  • Direct analog signal input
  • Serial, CANbus, and SPI communications
  • Quadrature encoder input up to 40 Mcounts/sec
  • NVRAM configuration load and trace memory
  • Compact 64-pin TQFP and ultra-compact 56-pin VQFN packages
  • High speed index input and capture
  • SPI (serial peripheral interface) command input
  • Brake signal input
  • 10 kHz velocity loop
  • 20, 40, 80, 120 kHz PWM rate
  • 20 or 40 kHz commutation and current loop rate
  • i2t current foldback protection
  • Over and under-voltage protection
  • Pulse and direction input

Internal Block Diagram

Juno Internal Block Diagram


Part Numbers

Ordering Information

Juno Ordering Information


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Part Number Package Function Motors Supported
MC71112 64-pin TQFP Torque control DC Brush
MC71112N 56-pin VQFN Torque control DC Brush
MC73112 64-pin TQFP Torque control Brushless DC
MC73112N 56-pin VQFN Torque control Brushless DC
MC71113 64-pin TQFP Velocity & Torque control DC Brush
MC73113 64-pin TQFP Velocity & Torque control Brushless DC
MC74113 64-pin TQFP Velocity & Torque control Step Motor with encoder input
MC74113N 56-pin VQFN Velocity & Torque control Step Motor with encoder input
MC75113 64-pin TQFP Velocity & Torque control Step Motor
MC75113N 56-pin VQFN Velocity & Torque control Step Motor
MC78113 64-pin TQFP Velocity & Torque control DC Brush, Brushless DC, Step Motor (user programmable)


Specifications – Juno Velocity Control ICs

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Applicable P/Ns

MC71113, MC73113, MC78113

Motors supported

3-phase Brushless DC, DC Brush, 2-phase step motor

Operating modes

Standalone: direct command input via external circuitry (onboard NVRAM holds configuration),
Host command: microprocessor command input

Control loops

Position/outer loop, velocity loop, current loop

Current control modes

FOC (field oriented control),
Third leg floating,
Voltage mode (no current control)

Commutation modes

6-step (using Hall sensors)
Sinusoidal (with quadrature encoder input)

Motor output modes

Individual high/low PWM,
Sign/Magnitude PWM

Microstep per full step

Programmable up to 256 microsteps/full step

Profile generator parameters

Velocity, acceleration, deceleration

Communication modes

Point-to-point asynchronous serial, Multi-drop asynchronous serial, SPI, or CANbus 2.0

Serial baud rate range

1,200 to 460,800 baud

CANbus baud rate range

10,000 to 1,000,000 baud

Internal trace RAM

6,144 16-bit words

Internal NVRAM

1,024 16-bit words

Velocity feedback options

Quadrature encoder, Hall sensors, analog tachometer signal (12-bit A/D resolution)

Position command options

Pulse and direction,
Digital SPI (16-bit resolution),
Internal profile generator

Velocity and torque command options

Analog signal (12-bit A/D resolution), Digital SPI (16-bit resolution), Internal profile generator

Control/status signals

Enable, FaultOut, Hostinterrupt, Brake

Motor drive signals

PWM High/LowA-D, AmplifierEnable, CurrentA-D

DC Bus safety signals

Shunt, BusVoltage, BusCurrentSupply, Temperature

Motor feedback signals

QuadA, QuadB, Index, HallA-C, Tachometer, digital SPI

Max quadrature rate

40 Mcounts/second

Max pulse & direction rate

10 Mpulses/second

Max SPI frequency

10 MHz

Position/outer loop rate

Programmable up to 10 kHz

Velocity loop rate

Programmable up to 10 kHz

Current loop rate

20 kHz

Commutation rate

20 kHz

PWM rate

20, 40, 80, 120 kHz


64-pin TQFP: 12 mm x 12 mm including leads


Specifications – Juno Torque Control ICs

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Applicable P/Ns

MC71112, MC71112N, MC73112, MC73112N

Motors supported

3-phase Brushless DC, DC Brush

Operating modes

Standalone: direct command input via external circuitry (onboard NVRAM holds configuration),
Host command: microprocessor command input via serial

Control loops

Current loop

Commutation modes

6-step (using Hall sensors),
Sinusoidal (with quadrature encoder input)

Current control modes

FOC (field oriented control),
Third leg floating,
Voltage mode (no current control)

Motor output modes

Individual high/low PWM,
Sign/Magnitude PWM

Communication modes

Point-to-point asynchronous serial, Multi-drop asynchronous serial

Serial baud rate range

1,200 to 460,800 baud

Internal trace RAM

6,144 16-bit words

Internal NVRAM

1,024 16-bit words

Torque command options

Analog signal (12-bit A/D resolution),
Digital SPI (16-bit resolution),
Internal profile generator,
Direct set register

Control/status signals

Enable, FaultOut, Hostinterrupt, Brake

Motor drive signals

PWM High/LowA-C, AmplifierEnable, CurrentA-C

DC Bus safety signals

Shunt, BusVoltage, BusCurrentSupply, Temperature

Motor feedback signals

QuadA, QuadB, Index, HallA-C

Max quadrature rate

40 Mcounts/second

Max SPI frequency

10 MHz

Current loop rate

20 kHz

Commutation rate

40 kHz

PWM rate

20, 40, 80, 120 kHz


64-pin TQFP: 12 mm x 12 mm including leads
56-pin VQFN: 7.2 mm x 7.2 mm


Specifications – Juno Step Motor Control ICs

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Applicable P/Ns

MC74113, MC74113N, MC75113, MC75113N

Motors supported

2-phase step motor

Operating modes

Standalone: direct command input via external circuitry (onboard NVRAM holds configuration),
Host command: microprocessor command input via serial

Control loops

Current loop

Current control modes

FOC (field oriented control),
Voltage mode (no current control)

Commutation modes

6-step (using Hall sensors)
Sinusoidal (with quadrature encoder input)

Motor output modes

Individual high/low PWM,
Sign/Magnitude PWM

Microstep per full step

Programmable up to 256 microsteps/full step

Profile generator parameters

Velocity, acceleration, deceleration

Communication modes

Point-to-point asynchronous serial

Serial baud rate range

1,200 to 460,800 baud

Internal trace RAM

6,144 16-bit words

Internal NVRAM

1,024 16-bit words

Position command options (with AtRest signal)

Pulse and direction,
Digital SPI (16-bit resolution),
Internal profile generator

Control/status signals

Enable, FaultOut, Hostinterrupt, Brake

Motor drive signals

PWM High/LowA-D, AmplifierEnable, CurrentA-D

DC Bus safety signals

BusVoltage, BusCurrentSupply, Temperature

Motor feedback signals

QuadA, QuadB, Index

Max quadrature rate

40 Mcounts/second

Max pulse & direction rate

10 Mpulses/second

Max SPI frequency

10 MHz

Current loop rate

20 kHz

Microstep synthesis rate

40 kHz

PWM rate

20, 40, 80, 120 kHz


64-pin TQFP: 12 mm x 12 mm including leads
56-pin VQFN: 7.2 mm x 7.2 mm


Mechanical Dimensions

64-Pin TQFP

Juno 64-Pin Dimensions

56-Pin VQFN

Juno 56-Pin Dimensions


Ratings and Compliance

Absolute Maximum Environmental and Electrical Ratings

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Supply Voltage (Vcc)

-0.3V to +4.6V

FltCap pin voltage range

-0.3V to 2.5V

Analog voltage range with respect to AnalogGND (AnalogVcc)

-0.3V to +4.6V

Input voltage (Vi) -0.3V to +4.6V
Output voltage (Vo) -0.3V to +4.6V
Input clamp current (Ii,clamp), peak: +/-20 mA
Input clamp current (Ii,clamp), continuous: +/-2 mA
Output clamp current (Io,clamp) +/-20 mA
Package thermal impedance, 64-pin TQFP package (θJA) 56.5°C/W
Package thermal impedance, 56-pin VQFN package (θJA) 34.8°C/W
Junction temperature range (Tj) -40°C to 150°C
Storage Temperature (Ts) -65°C to 150°C
Nominal Clock Frequency (Fclk) 10.0 MHz

Developer Tools

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Developer Kit includes:


Juno Developer Kit


Developer Kit Part Numbers

64-pin TQFP package Juno IC developer kits

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Developer Kit Part Number Juno IC Installed Motors Supported Comments
DK71112 MC71112 DC Brush Torque control
DK71113 MC71113 DC Brush Velocity & torque control
DK73112 MC73112 Brushless DC Torque control
DK73113 MC73113 Brushless DC Velocity & torque control
DK74113 MC74113 Step motor Provides quadrature encoder input
DK75113 MC75113 Step motor No quadrature encoder input
DK78113 MC78113 Brushless DC, DC Brush, Step Motor Velocity & torque control with user- settable motor type
DK78113S MC78113 Brushless DC, DC Brush, Step Motor Socketed version of DK78113


56-pin VQFN package step motor control IC developer kits

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Developer Kit Part Numbers Juno IC Installed Motors Supported Comments
DK74113N MC74113N Step Motor Provides quadrature encoder input
DK75113N MC75113N Step Motor No quadrature encoder input


56-pin VQFN package torque control IC developer kits

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Developer Kit Part Numbers Juno IC Installed Motors Supported Comments
DK71112N MC71112N DC Brush Torque control
DK73112N MC73112N Brushless DC Torque control

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