From blood analyzers and heart assist pumps to imaging systems and ventilators and beyond, medical device development demands state of the art performance as well as high levels of safety, stability, reliability, and long-term availability of electronic components. Further, the assurance of rigorous quality management systems such as ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 9001:2015 is of paramount importance. With decades of experience at the delicate juncture of human health and technology, PMD helps medical device OEMs and robotic engineers meet stringent industry requirements and attain long-term product success with their motion control products.

Motion Applications Used In Medical Device Design Systems

Peristaltic Pump Control

Controlling the special mechanical characteristics of this type of pump as it rotates.

Centrifuge Control

Controlling a high-speed rotating motor (usually a Brushless DC motor) such that it accelerates, coasts, and decelerates thereby separating via centrifugal force the payload - typically liquids, gels, or gasses.

Pan & Tilt Pointing

Motion control of a mechanical system that can ‘pan’ (rotate around a vertical axis) and tilt (rotate around a horizontal axis).

Spindle Control

Controlling high speed motors (usually Brushless DC motors) in applications such as machine tool cutting, drilling, centrifuges, cryo-pumps, bar code readers, rotating marking and scanning systems, spin coating, and more.

Robotic Gripper Control

Control methods associated with getting a robotic 'hand' to grip an object safely - applying neither too much or too little force.

CAM Profiling

A general purpose motion technique utilizing a pre-stored look-up table of desired positions driven by an incoming command encoder datastream.

Robotic Wheel Drive

Controlling wheels used to propel robotic devices such as warehouse robotics, rovers, agricultural robots, robotic lawn mowers and a wide array of mobile devices.


ISO Certified and Designed for FDA-Approved Equipment

PMD is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 certified. We deliver the quality, safety and long-term availability demanded by healthcare and life sciences applications.

Suggested Resources

Getting The Most Out Of Portable Medical Motion Control Applications

This deep dive will show you how to lower the heat, weight, and power consumption of your portable medical motion control applications and it discusses advances in the motors themselves.

Introducing ION®/CME N-Series Digital Drives

Replay the on-demand version of our popular 30-minute webinar that introduces you to the major capabilities and benefits of the N-Series ION.

Motion Control Goes Small

Machine designers are often asked to build systems that take up less space and operate on less power. Read about new developments in motors, sensors, and architectures.

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