Resources / User Guides / C-Motion PRP II Programming Reference

C-Motion PRP II Programming Reference

~ Performance Motion Devices

This manual documents C-Motion PRP II, which is a software library used to control and monitor various PMD motion control products. PRP stands for PMD Resource Access Protocol, which is the protocol used to communicate with these devices.

There are two other C-Motion versions; C-Motion Magellan and C-Motion PRP. All of these software systems are available in separate SDKs as detailed below:

  • C-Motion Magellan SDK – an SDK (Software Developer Kit) for creating motion applications using the C/C++ programming language for PMD products that utilize a direct Magellan or Juno formatted protocol.

  • C-Motion PRP SDK – an SDK for creating PC and downloadable user code for systems utilizing either a PRP (PMD Resource Access Protocol) protocol device or a Magellan/Juno protocol device. C-Motion PRP is also used in motion applications that will use the .NET (C#, VB) programming languages.

  • C-Motion PRP II SDK – This SDK is similar to C-Motion PRP but is used with ION/CME N-Series ION Digital Drives. Compared to standard C-Motion PRP, C-Motion PRP II supports additional features such as multi-tasking, mailboxes, mutexes, and enhanced event management.

For detailed information on Magellan/Juno protocol C-Motion refer to the C-Motion Magellan Programming Reference. For detailed information on C-Motion PRP refer to the C-Motion PRP Programming Reference.

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