Resources / User Guides / MC58113 Electrical Specifications

MC58113 Electrical Specifications

~ Motion Control Expert

This manual describes the electrical characteristics of the MC58113, MC53113, MC51113, and MC54113 motion control IC from PMD. These devices are members of PMD’s Magellan IC family.

The MC58113-series ICs are complete chip-based motion controllers. They provide trajectory generation, programmable breakpoints, advanced performance trace, and many related motion control functions. Depending on the type of motor controlled, they provide servo-loop closure, on-board commutation for brushless motors, and pulse and direction output. Finally, the MC58113-series ICs provide advanced digital current control along with numerous amplifier management features.

The MC58113-series ICs together with other Magellan ICs provide a software-compatible family of dedicated motion control ICs which can handle a large variety of system configurations. Having similar hardware and command architecture enable Magellan ICs to share software commands, so that software written for one may be re-used with another; even though the type of motor may be different.

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